Tag: Birch press design

  • Bedroom Neutrals

    Bedroom Neutrals


    My recent obsession has been Pinterest lately. Whenever I have some down time, you can find me on the couch snuggled up with a blanket and a cup of green tea with my iPad scrolling through the app pinning left and right. It has inspired me to redecorate my house, try new recipes, and look into lots of new DIYs. So I warn you: once you open this app, you may not be able to put it down!

    I especially love looking at the home decor pins and I have definitely noticed a trend when it comes to the ones I re-pin onto my board. I love the minimalist style; it just looks so fresh and clean!

    A key to the look I want to achieve includes lots of neutrals! Neutrals with pops of greenery or beautiful paintings is what I love! And you know what that means…time to purchase new decor!


    Birch Press Design has a new Savanna Bedroom Collection that has the perfect neutral color palette that will go great with my vision! Made with 100% Belgian linen, this collection will make a cozy new addition to your bedroom! The duvet is available in twin, full, queen, and king and the pillow cases comes in a king and standard size. A size for everyone!

    For an extra bonus, from March 18th – April 1st 2016, the Savanna Bedroom Collection is having a special sale. There is a 25% discount off of the Savanna duvet and pillow cases! Don’t miss out on this great deal!

  • New year, new bedding!

    New year, new bedding!

    2016 has arrived and I think it’s time to change things up a bit. Maybe I’ll actually make those recipes I’ve been saving, get a new haircut, and of course redecorate!


    Because a new attitude calls for new surrounding, I changed a few vases and centerpieces within the home but, a majority of my redecoration happens in the bedroom because that’s the part of the house that gets to be my peaceful place!

    This year, decorating the bedroom has become a lot easier with Birch Press’s large selection of bedding!


    Whatever type of style I am trying to capture this year if that is a bright and soft look or dark and sharp Birch Press has the bed skirts, pillows, duvets, and blankets to help give the perfect look for the bedroom!




  • Baby Card on the Way

    Baby Card on the Way

    Giving new parents a card congratulating them on their new born is more important than you’d think!

    The card that you give them they will probably be kept in their child’s first scrapbook to look back on for years to come and show that baby when they get older! You don’t want to start that scrapbook off with an uninteresting and ordinary card. You should start that book with the loveliest card you can find!

    Well, look no further, Birch Press has some cards that will have you drooling like a baby!

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    We have cards that are very decorated with flowers for girls and elephants for boys and we have cards that are simplistic with baby items and adorable animals.

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    Get a card for that newborn that’ll have their parents talking about for years.

  • Party Time!

    Party Time!

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    All through the year I have one hobby that sticks with me through all seasons- throwing parties! I love getting the food and dessert ready, decorating my home, and of course mingling with all of my guests!

    Usually I try to use the holidays as an excuse, but sometimes I want to have a get together just because! This can get tricky with decorating. I mean, I am not going to use Christmas decorations when the holiday is months away!

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    Here at Birch Press we are now offering a decoration tool for those out of the blue parties! We have cake toppers that spell out party, lets eat cake, and hooray! If that doesn’t scream a good time than you’re going to the wrong get together’s!

    Don’t let a lack of holidays hold you back from throwing the get together of a lifetime! Let our cake toppers help spice up that dessert table. Because, no one should be held back from doing something they truly love.


  • Crafting With Dave

    Crafting With Dave

    Watercolors are great for creating that perfect landscape photo but, they also can add the perfect touch to your homemade cards! With our materials sold at Birch Press and our other companies such as Poppy and Memory Box, you can make a card that will make everyone’s mouth drop!

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  • Top It Off!

    Top It Off!


    Having a baby, whether that is your first, second, or third is an exciting time in ones life that deserves a celebration!

    And nothing screams celebration more than a cake!

    Want make your beautiful cake even more festive? Birch Press has just the trick!

    Cake Toppers!


    You can surprise the relatives announcing with a ‘baby on the way‘ topper or throw a baby shower for your friend with a ‘welcome baby‘ topper!

    Let Birch Press help you top the celebration cake with your newborn as the center of attention!

  • Falling in Love With Cards!

    Falling in Love With Cards!


    Since turning the calendar a page, I have become obsessed with fall. What is there not to love? Everything from the fashion to the sweet smells of pumpkin pie makes me so so happy! I want to wear warm, cozy sweaters all the time, deep burgundy lipstick everyday, and am already planning my Thanksgiving feast I am having at my place next month. I have to stop myself from stopping and grabbing a pumpkin spiced lattee during my morning commutes. One every once in a while is fine, but everday? I need to slow down. But I LOVE the fall time!

    Ok, so this is how obsessed I’ve been getting. Birch Press has these adorable fall themed cards that I’ve been in love with! And who writes cards in the fall? Christmas time, absolutely! But Halloween cards? Thanksgiving cards? Well, this girl!


    I mean how can you resist these? These fun, creative cards will truly capture the essence of fall! I encourage you to get into the autum spririt and send a note to a loved one with these special cards!

  • Goodbye Old and Boring, Hello Floral and Lace!

    Goodbye Old and Boring, Hello Floral and Lace!


    As someone who is on her phone a lot and, with no shame, likes to change the cases often, I am always on the hunt for the new iPhone cases. Does anyone else do this? I’ve just always been a fan of alternating my cases whether it’s due to what I’m wearing, the season, or just what mood I am in that day.

    Birch Press Design recently added new iPhone cases that are just to die for!

    These cases have everything I’ve been looking for. The rubber bumper and hard outer shell provides excellent protection. Not to mention the designs are adorable! The vibrant colors will surely catch someones attention!



    The floral lace will be a great neutral case for everyday use, and the birch floral design will be perfect for when I want that pop of color to add to my outfit!

    Say goodbye to all my old, boring cases! I think I’ve settled for the perfect style of cases. I seriously can’t get enough, someone is going to have to stop me before I buy every single design!

  • Rain, Rain, Stay a Day

    Rain, Rain, Stay a Day

    It’s officially fall here in Seattle, Washington. The leaves are changing, hot chocolate is being made, and we are snuggling up with our favorite throw and book next to the fire place.

    I don’t know about you, but I love this time of the year. I enjoy taking some time to myself and relaxing. Call me boring, but I love unwinding and watching the raindrops drip down my windowsill. And what better to do it with than a warm cup of soup! Birch Press has the perfect bowls just for this occasion!

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    The miso bowls have a dented in side which makes a perfect placement for a thumb! That way, a spoon may not even be necessary! Besides, its good to spend a day doing absolutely nothing sometimes.


  • Ready, Set, Glow!

    Ready, Set, Glow!

    Studio Session-310

    Votives are perfect for any occasion.  Let them add a special glow to backyard BBQ’s, romantic dinners or holiday gatherings with their quirky, off-kilter designs and versatile colors.  Dove, Ruby, Peacock or Meadow – pick your favorite color, or mix and match them for a bright surprise.

    Our votives are crafted in Oregon, with unglazed exteriors and glazed interiors. Scatter them along the dinner table – or cluster them for drama – they’re great either way!

