Hello readers! This is Crystal here with you today and before we get to today’s cards, I’m going to share with you the Pinterest photo I found that became my source of inspiration! Never in a million years would I have paired these colors together, yet when I saw this image, I was captivated by how stunning these colors were. Now, granted, I would not choose these colors for any room in my house, but I was determined to bring these colors to life on paper, and I couldn’t be more in love with the results!

I have created a step-by-step YouTube video tutorial showing how both of these cards were made. I hope you will find this helpful!

We can find inspiration in so many places. Thank you for visiting and have a wonderfully creative day!

One response to “Inspired by Pinterest | by Crystal Komara”
Gorgeous! The
colors look great
used like this.
Carla from Utah